A credit card authorization appears as a pending transaction on a credit card; it is a hold on funds only, not an actual charge. It reduces the available credit on a card but doesn’t increase the customers credit card balance. When you place your order, you will see a 'pending charge' or authorization on your account.
Most authorizations and pending credit card transactions will stay in a pending state for a few days. They will eventually post to your account, getting added to your total credit card balance, or fall off, in the case of a temporary hold. When your order ships, you will see a 'posted charge' on your account.
Please note, an additional $1 charge may temporarily reflect on your order total as part of our payment authorization process. Please be assured this is a pending authorization and not a final charge. This temporary $1 charge will be automatically removed, and you will only be billed the correct total for the products ordered and sales tax (where applicable) when your items are ready for shipment. Thank you for your understanding and patience.